Friday, February 27, 2009

Porn and religion. Chicken or egg?

It can't come as a surprise to anyone that has ever read Moliere but this study finds strong relationships between moral conservatism and on line porn consumption.  Who knew?

By analyzing subscriptions to adult sites by zip code the author finds several correlations between outward expression of moral conservatism and subscriptions to on line sites.  States having enacted sexually conservative legislation such as so-called Defense of Marriage Acts or those states that outlawed sodomy prior to Lawrence v. Summers have a slightly  higher tendency towards porn subscription among their citizenry.  However when the observed pool becomes specifically more Christian the connection grows.  In those states where a majority of residents agree with statements such as "Even today miracles are performed by  the power of God" or "AIDS might be God's punishment for immoral behavior" we've got a lot more eyes on digital naughtiness.

But even the Prius crowd has it's kinks as well.  Based on Presidential voting patterns in 2004 
"Blue" state residents were more likely to patronize on line escort services while "Red" states skew more towards wife swapping and voyeur sites.

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